We have a Heidlberg Spectralis® Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) scanner, the same OCT scanner used in many hospital eye departments. OCT scans can detect eye diseases much earlier than traditional methods, enabling earlier treatment and prevention of sight loss.

What is an OCT?

The Spectralis has the highest image quality of any OCT yo 1/1000 of a millimetre, allowing incredibly accurate detection of the exact location of problems and huge confidence in judging whether there is change occurring over time.

An OCT scan provides the detail needed to identify the earliest signs of sight threatening diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration long before there are any symptoms, early detection can help prevent sight loss.

It is estimated that by the age of 60 half of the population will have some degree of cataract. A developing cataract can make it difficult to assess your retina for any other signs of disease using traditional methods. Fortunately our OCT has the ability to scan through cataracts to detect any problems.

half of sight loss cases can be avoided

It is easy to forget about your eye health when you have good vision, and you may be unaware of the onset of disease before symptoms appear. Once you are aware of changes to your vision, irreversible damage may already have occurred. With an OCT we can detect changes long before you are aware of them, giving you a head-start on treating the condition and preventing potential sight loss.

What can an OCT detect?

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) – is the cause of half the cases of serious sight loss. It affects the central vision, meaning that simple tasks like driving, watching TV and recognising faces can become very difficult.

Glaucoma – Half of all glaucoma patients are not aware that they have the disease. The brain is able to fill the gaps in your vision caused by glaucoma until it has reached an advanced stage. This can means that without regular checks glaucoma can go unnoticed for years. You’re more likely to develop glaucoma if you have a parent or sibling with the condition.

Diabetic Retinopathy – Many patients are unaware that they have diabetes, early detection and treatment of diabetic retinopathy mean the chances of sight loss and other complications can be reduced for nine out of 10 patients.

Who should have an OCT?

OCTs are suitable for all patients over 25 years old, and are particularly recommended for anyone over 40 and anyone with a family history of glaucoma or macular degeneration.

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